Chiropractic Kinesiology
Dr. Jacquie Reise is a Holistic Practitioner located in Austin Texas. She specializes in finding the root cause by using frequency medicine. She is well established and certified in nemours techniques including: Applied Kinesiology (PAK), Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT), Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (A.M.I.T.), and Websters Analysis. She excels in other techniques such as Quantum Neurology (QN), Lebowitz Protocol, Chiropractic Plus Kinesiology (CPK), Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) and Contact Reset Analysis (CRA). She utilizes supplement brands such as Vervita, Standard Process, Supreme Nutrition, Biotics Research, Cell Core, Pure encapsulations and more! She uses hand-operated muscle mass testing and resonating in order to locate the source of dysfunction. Dr. Reiser services several individuals such as: professional athletes, familys, babies, Autism Spectrum, chronically ill, wellness patients and more. She has helped many individuals with: Back pain, neck pain, bulging discs, parasite infections, crohn's disease, adrenal fatigue, depression, anxiety, mental health and wellness, microorganisms and viral infections, sports injuries, colic, digestive issues, IBS, Concussions, body fatigue, numbness, tingling, neuropathy, Stress, Scar tissue, burns, sprained ankle joints, fractures, Pelvic floor dysfunction, breech babies. She utilizes tools such as activator, Rezzi Max, Avant Lasers, Torque Release Tool (TRT) in her sessions with patients as well. Dr. Reiser is the official Chiropractic practitioner of the Texas Smoke Female's Specialist Softball team. Dr. Jacquie Reiser resides from Mahopac, New york. She graduated from Michigan State College in 2017 where she was a member of the women's Varsity Softball Team. She then went on to pursue her Doctorate in Chiropractic at Life University. She graduated in 2021 with her doctorate in Chiropractic. As a former department 1 athlete, Dr. Jacquie Reiser understands what hard work means and embodies it every single day. She lives by this motto: what you need will constantly show up. But it does not constantly look like the way you thought it would.
Keywords: Applied Kinesiology, Frequency Medicine, Functional Neurology, Neuro Emotional Technique, CPK, Austin Texas Kinesiology, Quantum Neurology, Functional Medicine, A.M.I.T, Sports Injuries, Healing Naturally, Austin Texas, Jacquie Reiser, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Eczema, Allergies, Concussion, Primitive Reflexes, Supreme Nutrition, Vervita, Vial Testing, Muscle Testing, Manual Muscle Testing, Kinesiology, Chiropractic, Virtual Appointments, Healing without surgery, photobiomodulation, red laser therapy. FSM, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, Advanced Muscle Integration Technique, Parasites, Mold, Fungus, Dysbiosis, Fatigue, Bloating, Colic, Hormones, Blood Work, Emotions, Standard Process, In Person Appointments, Sports Chiropractic, Supplements, Vitamins